Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Maternal Fetal Maternal Fetal care should be more than just monthly checkups. We aim to give doctors tools to increase care from planning through delivery and beyond. In 2022, we kicked off our MFM innovation initiatives with a $50,000 pledge to The Carle Illinois College of Medicine to spur innovative technologies, reducing maternal fatalities and increasing fetal outcomes. Medicine Global Reach: Campaign Approximately 19 million stillbirths are expected in India by 2030 which is the highest rate of neonatal deaths in the world. With our partners and a dedicated team in India, we hope to help bring the rate of loss down much faster and help families heal. ***More to come on this initiative*** India Support and We know how hard it is to cope with the uncertainty that comes with fertility challenges and the trauma of a pregnancy loss. We aim to provide support in multiple ways to bring hope to all families. We have started to distribute care baskets to post partum families post fetal demise. Contact us if you would like your hospital system to particpate. Therapy Helping Families Our Foundation's goal is to increase research and data analytics to better fertility outcomes, provide educational support to parents, and help others achieve their dreams of starting a family. In 2022, we kicked off our research initiatives in REI with a $50,000 pledge to Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine to bolster the REI fellowship program. Grow Learn More 2024 Join us at the iconic Cog Hill Golf Course for a day of golf, innovation, and conversation. We currently still have available sponsorship opportunities - sign up to sponsor today! Golf Outing

What We Do

Our organization is set up to provide assistance and raise money for 3 main initiatives.

research. Chart with keywords and icons

University Relations / Fellowships

Our Goal is to raise funds to provide grants and fellowships to leading researchers and research institutions who pledge to make meaningful impact on Maternal Fetal Health.

To date, we have pledged $100,000 over the course of the next 5 years to two institutions towards this initiative. This will be used to fund research and programs dedicated to improving Women’s lives and pregnancy outcomes through the use of data analytics, imaging, pharmaceuticals, bio-informatics, fertility, and therapy.

support & care

Support and Care

Our mission will take time as do most things in the medical community. We strive to partner with local fertility and loss support groups while also providing our own unique support based on what helps parents grieve, remember, heal, and have an optimistic view of the world through the darkest of storms.

To support grieving families after experiencing loss, we have put together care baskets with donated materials to provide to local hospitals containing items and curated information to bring some comfort and solace amidst the difficult circumstances.


Fundraising Events

In order to reach the goals our Foundation has set forth, we must raise the appropriate funds by organizing fundraising events in the community. We will be hosting various fundraising events throughout the course of the year to give others the ability to come out with their friends and family and learn more about our mission and how we plan to change the landscape of Women’s Health.

To learn more about the upcoming events that we are planning, please visit our events calendar!

Aarush 6

Our Sunshine Son

Aarush M Patel

The story and inspiration behind this effort is a baby boy whose life ended before it could start. As parents, we are motivated and inspired by doing what we can to prevent the pain, suffering and cruelty that is shared amongst those who have experienced this struggle and loss. May his legacy live on through acts of kindness and support.  

Our Supporters

We couldn't do it without our supporters, friends, and family. Thank You!